Multiple Buy-to-Let Purchases

The project

In late 2023, when Gamo Abodes Ltd were looking to purchase four houses for Buy to Let investments, they turned to our experienced Property Team to handle the legal transactions. With the lender securing their mortgage on the properties and adding a fifth premises to the mix, all before Christmas, it was undoubtedly going to be a challenging endeavor.


Residential Development


Property Finance



Regulatory Complexities

Lender requirements

How we helped

Converse Law played a pivotal role in facilitating the mortgages for the five properties, which included organizing a debenture and securing personal guarantees. Amidst the need for revamping existing tenancies and fulfilling additional conditions, we adeptly managed the lender's stringent requirements. To ensure a seamless completion, face-to-face meetings were arranged with the clients at a Birmingham hotel.

We also skillfully coordinated the services of three other lawyers to provide the necessary independent advice to the lender regarding the personal guarantees.

Despite facing significant challenges and time constraints, the transaction was successfully concluded just minutes before the banking system closed and solicitors shut down for Christmas. The outcome surpassed everyone's expectations, underscoring Property Partner, Matthew Martin's exceptional management and negotiation skills.

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